“Give The Good News Of Grace”
The Grace Card Is A Symbolic Reminder That Jesus Gave His Life On The Cross So That No Matter How We Have Sinned, We Can Be Forgiven. We Can Change Inherit All Of God’s Promises Including “Eternal Life” After Physical Death.
A Unique Thoughtful Gift For Anyone
A Perfect Gift
Give a pleasant surprise to friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, or strangers.
Ice Breaker
Creative “Ice Breaker” for parents to open more dialogue of Christ with their teenagers.
Outreach Tool
Tools for outreach ministry program an “icebreaker” to start a good conversation.
A Perfect Gift For Grace Reinforcement
back to Christ.
Believer To Believer
Give from one believer to another believer an unannounced breath of fresh air.
Senior Citizen Gift
Tools for evangelists to give at hospitals, visiting senior citizens, or correctional institutions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What Is Grace?
A: Grace is power from God that works within us to change our situation and accomplish things. Jesus gave His life to pay for our sins. If you are in sin…You can change through Grace.
Q: What Are God’s Promises?
A: God has promised to bless, provide, and deliver the people who believe in Him. He promises good health, financial provisions, hope, peace, protection, and many more blessings and gifts.
Q: Is the Grace Card A Credit Card?
A: The Grace Card is an inspirational gift. At this time money cannot be added to the card. The Grace Card is not a credit card.
Choose From Four Unique Individual Gift Boxes To Give
At GraceCard We Really Appreciate Your Support
OPTION 1: Two Individually Wrapped GRACE CARDS For You To Give As Gift
Each individual cards include:
1 Grace Card
1 Metalic Colored Card Holder
1 Beautifully Colored Business Card Size John 3:16+17; Gods Promise To His Children, Wallet Or Purse Size To Carry
OPTION 2: Choose Any Of The Four Gift Boxes That Fits Your Special Person
King Solomon Gift Box
Son of King David and considered the wealthiest King in the Bible. In a dream, Solomon asked God for wisdom, not wealth. He ruled Israel for 40 years in peace and prosperity for His people.
Abraham Gift Box
Abraham is the historic thread for the Abrahamic Religions. (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam). God commanded Abraham and His wife Sarah to leave his own country and people, go to a new land where He would be the father of a new nation.
Dr. Fannie Cathey Gift Box
Dr. Cathey turned a GED into an earned PHD of Philosophy from Vanderbilt-Peabody College. Professor dedicated to educating teachers for 30 years at the HBU Tennessee State University’s Department of Teaching and Learning. Created the ”Student Teacher Summative Evaluation Form” used nationally to evaluate student teachers performance.
Noah Gift Box
God told Noah that He intended to destroy the earth by flood. He commanded Noah to build a boat known as the Ark.Place himself and family along with two of all the animals on it. After the flood, Noah and family reached land, set the animals free, and started the earth over.
Support Using Cash App: $gracecards
(For Donations Only)

Contact Information
Call: 404.952.0069
Mail us at: P.O. Box 834 Lithia Springs Georgia 30122